Sunday, June 8, 2014

Other News Today

This morning as I was getting on the escalator I saw Elizabeth MacNamara on the escalator ahead of me.  She was by herself, standing tall, not on her cell phone or looking at notes.  I wondered what she was thinking as she rose to meet the day ahead.  It turned out to be a very busy day.  There were other things that went on today aside from the buzz about the election for president.

Because the morning was such a marathon the afternoon session had to include the work we didn't get done this morning.  This included questions about the budget.  I must admit that my eyes glazed over during this discussion! We then moved into a discussion, debate, vote part of the afternoon.  We were looking at making some changes to our by-laws. This was when the Robert's Rules were rockin' the room.  I couldn't keep up so I finally put my pen down and just watched.  We used the pro and con microphones. (If someone has an urgent point of order or need for clarification they go to one of the six microphones and wave a red card.) As soon as the president sees the card she stops, almost mid sentence, and shouts in an authoritative voice, ""We have a red card on microphone 3!" I wish you could hear it. When it happens I really feel like I'm at a political convention!

As we made our way through the votes, which need a 2/3 majority to pass, we came to a standstill with one of the votes.  A voice vote wasn't clear, a standing vote wasn't clear, so we went to a paper vote.

First they closed the doors and didn't let anyone in. This prevents someone who was not in the room for the debate from voting.  Then monitors passed around straw cowboy hats to collect our votes.  In the end the amendment to the by-law passed easily.  Then I really felt like I was at a convention.  You have to understand, I'm a political junkie so I'm eating this up.

We kept meeting.  Elizabeth asked if we wanted to take a break and there was a resounding no!  Instead we stood up to stretch. Then the song Happy came on and everyone danced.

It was a great moment....

Tomorrow we vote for president along with a full day of plenary sessions.  More tomorrow!


  1. Just catching up on all the posts now. You're such a terrific writer, I can feel the excitement. So glad you're there for the Evanston LWV!
